Excuse me while I bitch for a few moments.
I am obviously unable to comprehend some male minds. I never thought this of myself, seeing as I have many close male friends, but it appears to be true. Why would a heterosexual man, best friend and confidant, apparently uninterested in a romantic relationship, make a point of kissing the female friend, on the mouth, every night? Just once. A peck type kiss. I would be perfectly happy with the hug, and hell of less perturbed. Maybe it means nothing. It must mean nothing, since it goes no further, and one might say he's not the touchy-feely type. Even though this action seems completely out of character for this male person, given the background. *shakes head, rolls eyes*
I can't believe it is Sunday. Since I joined the Search (for a new minister) Committee at church, which is a year long commitment, and we decided to meet on Sunday morning prior to Church, weekends have not felt like weekends. I mean, the Search Committee stuff is work! Interesting, even fun, but still work, and a regular commitment on sunday. Today we ran the service for the church, which actually went very well in spite of the rather dry subject matter (the search process and timeline). However, enough people walked up to me and said it was a good service, so it must have been--you know, validation through popular acclaim.
By the by, I make the best pudding. It is so easy! You, too, can have the best pudding! I don't know why anyone uses the boxed stuff. The new Joy of Cooking has these very simple, luscious puddings with cornstarch which take about 10 minutes to make. Chocolately! Vanilla-y! Yummy!
The school year is about to start, and since my worklife rather focuses around the school year, it seems like the new year, instead of January which is midway. So, here are my resolutions:
1) make art every week (set aside a planned time and don't let anything disturb it, even travelling!). I am thinking like two hours on Monday night, or something like that.
2) Cook my own dinners, and lunches, more frequently--based on last year, twice a week would be more frequent, but I'd like to aim for 5/week.
3) Walk every day, or ride my bike more than just to work and back. Or swim. Something. exercise regularly, that's my point.
4) write every day. go back to the evening journal, and the morning pages. try writing poetry again.
(I know you are supposed to do these things in 3s, but I prefer 4s) I keep making these resolutions, keeping them for awhile, and then breaking them. I'm trying to get my male friend, the confusing one, to do something similar so we can keep each other in line. At least 1 and 2.