Usually I am pretty good at understanding relationships and getting people. But I am currently involved in one which confuses me often. Part of it is the pressure of what other people assume--we are assumed by those who don't know to be a couple, and sometimes treated as one. We even function that way to an extent. We are very close. We love each other--I think I might be in love, too,--and we spend a lot of time together. We are friends though. Nothing more, nothing less. I think the thing that promotes my confusion the most is not the assumptions people make, but rather one small action on his part. I am used to a lot of physical intimacy with my close friends, including male ones. What I am not used to is kissing, even pecks, on the mouth. There's basically two men--besides this one--who do that currently and my relationships with them are very clear. Non-sexual, non-attracted, long-standing, family relationship. With this one though, he seems to be delibrately kissing me at the end of the day. He is making that happen, not me. I have been kind of letting it ride for awhile, waiting to see what it might mean, or not mean, but now I am feeling like that isn't a good idea anymore.
I still have not solved the issue of when I might write in this regularly.