Sunday, April 02, 2006

back aches

Yesterday I was packing to go to Green River, and then Lander, and I was only partially bent over, and then when I stood up, I think a muscle in my back seized up. It was hard to stand up straight yesterday, but nothing like the spasm I had 3 years ago, thank heavens! It is much better today, but definitely lingering. I did some stretches, and soaked in a hot tub, and went for a walk. Maybe tomorrow will be even better.

Had a fun afternoon chatting with an artist friend of mine today. She does raku, and mixed media, and paints silk, among other things. It always feels good to spend some time with a woman friend. We spent quite some time discussing online matching services which was interesting. She's on eharmony and I was for quite awhile, so we exchanged impressions and experiences.

I don't really have a topic for this post.

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